March 1, 2011

Romeo and Juliet.. sittin in a tree... k-i-s-s-i-n-g

we all can think back and remember the biggest lip-locking moments of our lives.
first kiss.. first boyfriend kiss.. first good kiss.. first reallllly bad kiss.. favorite kiss.. you're "you may kiss the bride moment"..
if you're like me.. in this reminiscing moment there's a whirlwind of favorite colognes.. giggly butterflies.. stories of recounting every second to your best friends.. and the second of thinking i'm super pathetic for remembering what i was wearing..
according to old movies... new movies.. and the latest episode of Gossip Girl.. these puckering times can be life changing.. earth shaking.. and can really make the world stop for that split second.
every time i see one of these moments.. i have to think.. is that really how it happens? In one second.. with one kiss.. are you struck by lightning, given visions of sugar plumbs, and all the sudden hear your favorite Celine Dion ballad in the background? As the hopeless romantic.. i'm going to say YES! The "Never Been Kissed" moment (i'm referring to the movie.. not the VL club) where she's standing on the pitchers mound awaiting her prince charming/ fake teacher to come out and kiss her in front of everyone proving his love for her. Ya.. it's a movie.. so clearly cheesy music is playing in the background.. but if it were real life.. i believe the cheesy music is like the bell in 'The Polar Express' .. those who believe.. hear it!!
The moment of "we should kiss to see if there is anything between us.. just one kiss.. and then we can walk away.." moment that Blair and Dan share on Episode 14 of GG. In that one moment and one kiss.. can they KNOW? Can it really be that simple?
i believe that we live in a world of analysis. The paralysis of analysis. We think so much about the way that we feel that we dont even know if what we're feeling is what we're feeling! (go decode THAT with a psych book and a double shot of rootbeer on the rocks) Could we all have these fairy tale moments if we weren't so caught up in .. "how do i feel.. wait.. wait.. my stomach growled.. that's a sign.. and he blinked.. LIKE 4 TIMES!!! he totally wasn't into it.. which obviously means that i TOTALLY wasn't into it even more than he wasn't!.. so i'll peg him as just a good kisser.. the fireworks i saw were clearly a result of me being dehydrated.. so we can leave tonight and go on with our lives separately..."
We get to these points and FREAK OUT! so worried of what happens when the kiss ends.. the "what now" moment..
In fairy tales you never see the grand kiss and then Princess Cupcake and Prince Gummybear pull away from each other and go.. " so.. uh.. i'll like... call you?" and then go home and analyze their compatibility and what their friends will think and how their children would look and if they have FP (fat potential) or not and what their mother looks like and how well they're going to age and if they want the same kind of wallpaper as the other and how their names sound meshed.. (although common... we all knew that Julia Goolia wasn't gonna work out.. that was a give in)
In these fairy tales you see them go with the flow.. see the fireworks.. EMBRACE the fireworks.. and duuh.. live happily ever after!
When we have these earth shattering kisses.. first off go home and blog about them so that us HR's (hopeless romantics) can grab a pint of Ben and Jerry's and live vicariously through your fireworks.. and second take them like the people in the movies do! Explore the butterflies going crazy in your stomach! You never know when your life could change for ever for the better because of ONE KISS. hey.. meg ryan does it!

You are all sitting here thinking of not a couple names.. not a couple different summers.. but ONE. EXACT. PARTICULAR FACE.. and one EXACT particular moment.. that goes with one EXACT particular feeling! The exact moment where you knew/know that you're in LOVE! because of a kiss!

the saying.. "fall in love" isn't referring to a Matrix move.. or a repelling expedition.. its talking about you walking around a construction zone in the dark in heels and neglecting to see the man hole in front of you and SPLAT! you don't lightly descend to the bottom.. you FALL! No i'm not saying that you have to fall the first time you kiss someone.. or the first time you make eye contact.. there can be a very long (or short if you live in provo) walk around this construction zone exploring it and stepping in potholes.. but when all of the sudden you know.. you see FIREWORKS! do. NOT.. i repeat. do N.O.T. IGNORE THEM!! This isn't stadium of fire.. you don't know how many sets of backup fireworks you got.. know what i mean?

These amazing moments in our own lives are what make these movies so magical! If it never happened.. we'd watch them and go... what the heck? .. THAT was weird..
NO! We can all recall the moments that define our lives. sometimes the movies make them cheesier (guys take note.. girls like cheesy.. make it as cheesy as possible..) but all they're doing is enhancing our own experiences.
Someone in the life of one of the writers of "A cinderella story" HAD to have an experience where in front of everyone they knew some boy ran up.. said something cheesy about rain.. and then BAM! laid it on her. The only difference is... when it REALLY happened.. people probably threw things at them.

Guys... i'm gonna help you out here.. girls.. you can "aaaww" along with me..

The movies that have changed a girl's view of the perfect kiss forever...
- The notebook: this movie has 3 for me..
- the first kiss you see.. where she jumps on him.. they kiss.. and people literally applaud.
- The 'shove the ice cream in his face and lick it off kiss'
- and duh.... let me set the scene for this one..
"why didn't you write me? WHY!.. it wasn't OVER FOR ME!" "i wrote you 365 letters.... i wrote you every day for a year!! it wasn't over... IT STILL ISN'T OVER.." BAM!
the details for the dude to pay attention to here... he grabs her face and makes it happen! wooo..
now guys.. i wouldn't take this approach until you're SURE that the feeling is mutual.. you're POSITIVE that she wants you to kiss her.. cuz if not.. you about to get a slappin...


- Mr. and Mrs. Smith: they have guns pointing at each other's faces.. he looks into her eyes and he's like.. "i can't do it.. if you want the shot take it.." then he knocks the gun out of her hand... once again.. grabs her face and BAM!

- Ever After: when they're sitting at the fire and she says, "i'm sorry.. my mouth has run away with me again.." and he says, "you're mouth is what has me so mesmerized.." then she realizes he's going to kiss her.. sits there a minute and he makes it happen.
second: he comes to rescue her!!!
observe :

- A cinderella story: he runs out of a football game.. common now. girls. in 3 part harmony now.. aawwwww

-uh.. spiderman.. duuh.. enough said.
- Titanic.. right after the "flying together" moment on the bow of the ship.. it begins EVERYTHING!

so moral of this part of this story.. guys, girls like cheesy stuff. anything that can make our lives seem like its out of a movie we love.. will get you SERIOUS brownie points!

Don't extinguish the spark on the fuse of your fireworks.. and CERTAINLY don't deny seeing them!!
Love is scary.. and so is kissing someone for the first time.. (what if they suck at it right?!)
but walk the construction sight in the dark.. its super adventurous!

So.. grab some chapstick.. some altoids.. and a cheesy song for the soundtrack to YOUR life.. and make some magic happen!

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