March 7, 2011

Let's get down to business......

In this life, we have the opportunity to get exactly what we want.
We can walk into a store.. find any kind of clothing in basically any size and color.. and if they don't have it there... we can order it online!
We can go to a restaurant and order to our specifications.. no matter how outrageous our requests are.. you might get a niiice surprise from your waiter in your food buuut... they pretty much go with it.
We can travel anywhere we want to go.. See whatever we want to see.. Study whatever we want to study..
We have the world at our finger tips.. ready for our instruction.. ready for us to challenge it and mold it into something amazing..
But before we decide a game plan.. before we can go and explore the possibilities of this endless world.. we first have to decide what we're fighting for... where we're going.. what wash of jeans we like.. what kind of pizza.. we have to decide where we want to end up.
The only problem is.. none of us know what we want.
It's really easy to fall off our path and get lost when we a) don't have a map.. b) it's dark outside and c) we don't know or don't care where we're going anyway!

i know every girl has her list of the perfect guy.. perfect job.. perfect house.. perfect wedding dress.. perfect kids.. perfect date... perfect LIFE.. perfect everything..
But common.. how many of us are going to find a prince from australia that used to be an abercrombie model but quit to feed children in Africa that makes more money than Apple.. has full heads of hair on both sides of his family.... is well into his career yet still has time to take private massage classes when he's not playing the guitar.. singing.. and writing songs about how much he loves you.. who's kisses taste like chocolate.. and favorite thing in the world to do is make you happy.. who is also a Vampire. juussst sayin
Nope. nabbed that one. good luck finding his equal.

Yes our ambitions and our lists can be incredible.. they are SUPPOSED to force us to reach for the stars.. but they also have to be realistic to our work ethic. We have to be realistic with ourselves.
You can't expect to run a marathon without training for it. You can't expect to lose weight eating Krispy Kreme doughnuts every day. You can't think that you'll get a promotion or even a job if you're late every day, look like you just woke up, and facebook while you're supposed to be working.
We don't even have to have a set game plan.. it can be an outline.. but we need to be working for and towards SOMETHING.
We are hardwired for progression. When we're not moving forward.. we're moving backwards. No one can be stagnant. If we were to stand still.. even for a moment.. the world would pass us by.. making us 3 steps behind where we were before.
There is nothing worse than wasted talent. Laziness. And people that give up because they set their own bars to far out of reach.
Train for your marathon one step at a time. Cut the Krispy kremes out one at a time.

You. Can. Be. Great... you just have to take the initiative!

Last night i watched 'A walk to Remember'.. balled my friggin eyes out nbd..
In the movie, Landon finds himself on a road going nowhere. He's popular at his Highschool.. but that's all he's got going for him. The things he has in common with the people he surrounds himself with are their taste in liquor.. taste in girls.. ability to BS like no one's business.. and their knack for getting in trouble. When one of these trouble making experiences gets him ..duh.. in trouble.. he's forced to join some clubs and associate with new people. This is where he meets Jamie Sullivan. Jamie changes Landon for the better.. she brings out the best in him.. and they find themselves looking to make each other happy.. with REAL things instead of the filler things in his life before. She makes him WANT to be better.
Landon turns his life around because of the influence Jamie has in his life.

I think this trumps any list that any of us could ever make. Love is something that refines us through another. It's finding someone that makes us want to be a better person.. someone that can see past all of our 'fillers' in our lives and bring out the true us.
This perspective changed my list from
- 6 pack
- great hair
- football player
- good teeth

to things like:
- loves his mom
- loves me
- would do anything for me
- doesn't necessarily know what he's doing with his life yet but has ambition to get there
- wants me to be happy
- gives service
- when we stand next to each other in front of a mirror.. he looks at ME instead of himself.

Don't get me wrong.. my hubby will still have.. washboard abs.. an amazing smile.. and he'll be able to make more than toast for dinner... but the priorities have flip flopped.

I want my Jamie Sullivan. The person that brings out the best in me. That sees goodness in me.. that sees possibilities that even i don't.

The other day i played a game. My friend James and I stood on separate sides of a room and would toss Gummy Bears at each other and catch them in our mouths. Duuh.. you've all played it. so. we started goin one at a time keepin score.. bein awesome at it. and once we got to NBA draft amazing status.. we decided to challenge ourselves even more...
we were about to attempt the... (drum roll please).. throw Gummy Bears at each other at the SAME TIME and catch them in our mouths.. WooOOOaaaAaaAHH bro!
so. the first couple attempts we failed miserably.. i don't even think i hit HIM at all.. just the wall and the floor.. We were focusing on the catch.
We stopped and re-evaluated our Gummy Bear strategy.. through long discussion, evaluation, and game film.. we decided that we would ONLY focus on the toss.. and that the catch would follow..
dum dum dum DUUUMMM.... IT WORKED!!!!

When we stopped focusing on ourselves in the relationship and ONLY focused on each other's success.. both of us came out on top! Again... THIS. is what love is. THIS.. is the way to succeed.

We need to play our Gummy Bear Games to WIN. cuz gummy bears are yummy and they don't belong on the floor.

Sound track to my life song today: "I'll make a man out of you" - Mulan Soundtrack

ahem.. allow me to quote it for all you people who think you're too grown up for Disney movies...
LETS get down to business.. to defeat (boom BAM) the huns...
DID they send me daughters.. when i asked (chhha waaa) for sons?!
you're the saddest BUNCH i ever met... but you can BET before we're through..
Mr. i'll... make a man... out of youuuuuu!

It's epic to say the least. and when i found out that it was Donny Osmond as the voice.. i gained a WHOLE new respect for him.

Be amazing today.. because you can be.
Until tomorrow!
Peace. Love. Donny or die.


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