April 28, 2011

.. Secrets secrets are no fun ..

Can you keep a secret?
What if the secret contains the proof you need to convict someone of their crimes?
What if the release of THIS secret would keep you from knowing future secrets?
What if all the sudden the unveiling of this precious secret would damage one person but benefit yourself... by the way.. the damaged person lied about you.
Do we even dare venture into the depths of the hearts around us? Do we even WANT to know these deep dark secrets? Should certain things be kept from us?
Should each of us be on a 'need to know basis'? Is it unhealthy for us to know everything? Is honesty just too against human nature now that it causes destruction?

Think about someone that goes undercover..
If they reveal who they are.. their cover is blown.. forcing the mission to be aborted.. no information is gained.. and the whole thing is a waste.
If they reveal who they are they also could be put in grave danger.. heading into unfamiliar territory.
Their secrets keep them safe. They give them greater purpose than the truth would.. to those they attempt to manipulate.
However, the truth (the fact that their really a BA cop that packs heat NO ONE could find if they had a metal detector and a magnifying glass) remains the most important. It holds them together.. giving them their greatest purpose and therefore the mission they are fulfilling.

People have a tendency to hide who they really are to many people.. call it shyness.. insecurity.. whatever.. they learn to keep secrets well.

Your own secrets can be your strength. They can be your downfall..

Why not never do something you wouldn't want someone else to find out about? is that SO hard?
Don't kiss that girl if you dont want your girlfriend to find out... and you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
Don't steal that.. dont lie about this.. and you will never have to watch your back in paranoia.

The deceitful people of the world do things they think they'll never get caught doing.. well hey guess what retards.. i blog.. and you're screwed.

If someone reveals to you their deepest darkest secrets.. and you vow to keep them locked in your vault.. but their darkest secrets reveal things about others that you SO wish you could use against them... what the heck do you do?!

When i went to Vegas this last weekend i watched the movie 'The dilema'.
In the movie.. Vince Vaughn's character finds out that his best friends wife is cheating on him.
In fear of hurting him.. and having him even believe him without tangible proof.. he is stuck in the middle of his own conscience deciding what would benefit his friend most long term and short term.

The movie shows how detramental the secret is to not only Kevin James' life ( the best friend) but Vincey's as well. His life is consumed by information that he has to hide. His sketchy behavior arises the suspicion of his girlfriend that he's fallen back into bad habits of gambling.
The lie.. or secret.. eats at him slowly.. til finally in an intervention setting.. all is brought to the surface.

The only thing we can have confidence and hope in.. is that the truth is constant and consistent.. and it tends to stick around a while.
If you always tell the truth.. you never have a story to remember or cover up.. you never have to wonder who knows what.. you can simply live your life in peace!

My friend Corrine was engaged to the man of her dreams... her life fairytale was having it's finishing touches put on it. She couldn't wait to join him for time and all eternity.. begin the rest of their lives together. He was everything she always wanted... and apparently more than she bargained for.
One day while she was at his house she had a feeling to randomly check his computer.. when she did.. she found inappropriate emails with several other women containing equally inappropriate pictures.. love letters.. basically a whole bunch of realllly bad stuff you don't wanna find on your fiance's computer.

This became a secret. How would she face the world if she called it off? could she tell the world that this prince charming man of hers was something completely different than any of them had known? But if she didn't call it off.. how could she live the rest of her life with this huge burden on her shoulders.. knowing HIS secrets and keeping them from him just so she could play fairy tale..?
All of the invites.. the list of people who had already RSVP'd.. the shower gifts.. all stood in front of her in a pile. Could she keep this secret forever? Should she?

Forever is a long time.. and the deceivers (in my opinion deserve to die alone) will never change.. especially if they're never exposed.
She thought about inexplicably calling things off.. not robbing him of his dignity..
but then she was reminded of the girl code....

the philosopher Carrie Underwood once told us that "i might've saved a little trouble for the next girl.... cuz the next time that he cheats... you know it wont be on me" "maybe next time he'll think before he cheats"
She gives us the principles of the girl code....
expose that lying.. cheating.. whatever.. piece of crap so that the next girl knows what she's getting into. and noooo home boy.. this isn't cheap. this isn't cheating you of your man rights to womanize every chick that roams your way... if you weren't a deceitful piece of crap.. you wouldn't be in this situation. THINK BEFORE YOU ACT TOOL BOX.

Technically we should all go around revealing secrets.. righting wrongs... serving our fellow men by exposing the liars and the cheaters..
but nobody wants to know the truth. The truth hurts people. what has this world come to?!

I forgive a lot of things..most things actually. everything but lying. cuz lying? first off.. there's absolutely no point. the truth will always come out.. because like i said.. it's the only constant thing. the only thing that remains forever consistent..

I'll give some of you fine fellows the benefit of the doubt...
i'm gonna say that lying is a sign of immaturity that you CAN grow out of.. we all tell our parents we're going one place and go another at some point in our adolescent days..
so if you're a liar.. GROW UP.
If you don't use the time you have now to get out of your disgusting habit.. it will become who you are. and that would be the worst thing in the world.

Trust is something that takes forever to build.. 1 second to break.. and a lifetime to gain back.. with no guarantees of ever having back in its entirety.
Don't break it. You alone don't have the ability to fix it.

Today is the royal wedding... so you'll most likely hear from me in a couple hours on my thoughts and obsession with it..
For now!

1 comment:

  1. Mmm gotta love liars huh? They are the ABSOLUTE worst. If you can't tell I have some built up anger issues on this subject ha.
