February 26, 2011

Stop... Hammer time.

Every story has a beginning.. a middle.. and an end.
Beginnings are exciting. With the beginning of starting a new job or going to a new school everything is so new and unexplored that you can't help but soak it all up.
This is why change is so refreshing.
Although the beginning and change can be hard, if the destination in the horizon comes closer through it.. the tough-ness will be worth it in the end.

When you get to where the beginning is over.. after your first day/week of school clothes have been worn, the notebooks have been written in, the fact that your boss is a jerk has taken over the fact that his butt looks cute in the designer jeans he wears on casual fridays.. you move into the middle of your story..
Now the middle is the meat and potatoes. This is where you ride the roller coaster of life. You have peaks.. you have valleys.. and you have boring boring moments where you name your stapler and count the times your professor says "umm" in a class period.
This is the time where you take your loins and girt them my friends. You go beyond yourself to find excitement in the everyday.
Not every day will be filled with juicy gossip and new you tube videos. Everyday wont have some life changing experience in it. The level of excitement and joy in your life is up to YOU. Yes.. in the middle of your story.. life sucks.. and it probably will MOST of the time..
If you spend your middle looking and waiting for your end.. your story will be over before you know it!!
You'll miss out on everything. Now the end of your story can be the reward at the end.. Graduation.. retirement.. finally getting involved with your cute-butted-boss and quitting so you guys can get married..
everything will be alright in the end.. if its not alright.. then its not the end.

alright alright.. McCall moment. yaaa ya i relate it to school... i relate it to work.. but we all know whats on MY mind all the time.. wooo. lets relate it to something that makes sense right?
mmmkk... how bout.... love? ya lets pick that one. for no reason.. just thats what came up first on google's blog topics.. ahem.. anywho..
Living with 8 girls common... of course everything gets related to boys SOMEHOW..

So.. in the beginning everything is exciting. Everything is new and unexplored.
with new chapters in love this beginning feeling can re present itself again and again..
but no matter how many times the beginning comes.. it's followed by a middle.
a time where life can preettyyy much suck. a time with peaks and valleys.. roller coasters.. and even just plain boredom.
Sometimes the feelings that come from the middle bring new beginnings again and again.. skipping the ending.. and simply adding chapter after chapter to your story complete with new chapter titles and everything.
sometimes the feelings that come from the middle bring an end. Which in turn brings a new - different kind - of beginning.

I would elaborate but like I said.. being an open book isn't reallllyyy my thing (no pun intended).
The truth and fact of the matter is... you are the author of your story. Fill your pages with excitement, love, even tragedy when necessary and you will have a best seller.

alright. no more of this serious crap..

Sound track to my life song... "You're not sorry" T swift.

(haha and i claim i'm not an open book.. psh)

New obsession...: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w581Aa6bWxI
Carlton teaches us how to dougie.

Things that can make your day.. even if you are having an excellent day already! (if you're a girl.. sorry dudes.. i've never been a boy.. but i imagine you guys would agree with most of them.. whether you admit to it or not.)

A text that says something along the lines of "I HAVE TO SEE YOU"

A foot rub

A Sex and the City marathon

A neon-dance party with your best and favorite girls

Yellow Roses

Going for a long over due walk or run


a Nap

Watching a Disney animated classic.. (Beauty and the Beast anyone?)

Getting dressed up

Putting your hair up

Changing into flats

Writing a song

Smiling "from your liver"

Learning the entire "Fresh Prince" rap.. if you don't already know it. if you do.. you can be one of my best friends.

Making a music video to your newly learned Fresh Prince Rap

Having a bed chat with your best friend :)

Taking your own advice for once

Doing something crazy

Watching a chick flick and yelling at the screen all of the mistakes she's making and how you would do it better

listening to the "Burlesque" soundtrack.. feel free to obsess over it.

Putting on "The lion sleeps tonight" and bring back old memories

Googling puppy pictures and name every single one that you love

Reconnecting with an old friend

Having a conversation that ends with " You are beautiful, dont settle "

Make your day special.. every day!! Life is like a box of chocolates. Eat it up.
Don't let others control your destiny.. take it into your own hands and guess what...
they can't touch this... stop. hamma tyme.


1 comment:

  1. mccall, it's natalie. your bff from the good old days. i miss you. glad i found this blog. we're hangin out when i get back from chile! love you forever.
