February 25, 2011

Snow snow go away.. Don't come back til Christmas Day..

So . . Being the avid blogger that I am. . I've been putting great thought into my random thoughts for today..
i'm between doing an entire tribute to my boyfriend Justin Bieber in honor of seeing his movie again tonight with the girls of 1328 (holler. shout out.)
or... things that make me sad because.. of all of you that live in Utah and own a pair of eyes.. it snowed like 25 inches last night leaving me stuck 1. in provo and 2. possibly very close to my house because not only do i HATE driving in snow.. i suck at it. Dion may be a champ.. (Dion is my car btw) but callymon.. is definitely a wuss.

because clearly the decision is WAY too big to make.. i'm gonna do both.
and no - all you bieber haters.. they have nothing to do with each other.

i'll start with JB Baby.
5 things that come to mind when thinking of my boyfriend...

1. My hilarious friend and roomie Chantel told me of her experience while watching the movie of the century..
Ya know when he comes on stage before he sings "Baby" and screams.. "Who wants to be my baby..?"
in the theater she definitely screamed back.. "who wants to HAVE my baby.." and the whole theater raised their hands. nbd.
2. I don't think people would be making such a big deal about him cutting his hair if he didn't have an ENTIRE SECTION of his movie dedicated to "the hair flip".. dude.. if you're gonna emphasize it.. at LEAST wait til it hits DVD to shatter little girl's dreams of perfectly quaffed hair flipping over those big brown ( ? ) eyes. Now they have to change the image in their minds (and hearts) to you pushing it to the side with your hand or something..? sexy? ok yes. but AS sexy..? i think not.
3. He's dating Selena Gomez right.. i heard she's getting MAD death threats now from girls all over the world. i didn't really understand this until i caught the Beiber Fever and seriously thought about sending her one...
4. How many people think that JUST because of Mi Cy's outfit on stage at his concert that the rating of the whole movie should've gone to PG-13..? common now. Hannah Montana Forever..? mm hmm you ho.
5. As well as being currently obsessed with JB.. Jaden Smith is also a baller that has mad swag..
these 11 year olds are taking over the world and making pedophiles out of all of us. Common music industry.. pick someone over 18 that all of us can drool over!

Things that make me sad...
1. Snow.. honestly, it's great on Christmas. and sure.. it's pretty.. to LOOK AT. It's cold. It's awful. and the only thing it makes me want to do is stay inside.
2. How i just got my Iphone4 a couple months ago.. and already they have something better.. you have to time these things perfectly or 5 days after buying something your outdated. lame. and sad.
3. Being grown up. i want to be in kindergarden again.. all of the sudden huge decisions have to be made that will affect the rest of forever..? what happened to milk or juice box..? I know eventually i'll embrace it but for now i'll give a shout out to what mama kel calls "the lost boys"... "i wont grow up.. i dont wanna go to school.."
we are the generation that frowns upon embracing the future. me included. (today) so lost boys.. i know how you feel today. i'd rather sit with a blanket and blog all day.. NOT go take my test.. NOT have to go clear the dumb snow off of Dion..
maybe i'll be ready to grow up tomorrow.
4. The color green.
.. if you know me. like really well.. you're probably reading into this. you're right. get over it.. it makes me sad today. once again.. tomorrow i'll be happy about it. right now. i choose to be sad. dang you snow.
if you don't know me super well.. you can make the connection of being sick and the color green and i dont like being sick.. therefore i dont like the color green today.. it makes me sad. whatever floats your boat. or today.. whatever melts your friggin snow.

Alright.. since i hate being sad.. and i love being happy i'll end on a couple things that make me happy.. put some sunshine in the souls of the readers of this blog.. (mm hmm i'll pretend there are some)

1. Getting my back tickled and hair brushed..
in "Letters to Juliet" Claire tells Sophie that one of the greatest joys in life is having one's hair brushed..
The FIRST time i saw it i was like.. hm... creepy old lady brushing her hair.. that's odd.
by the 4th time i saw it (judge me alright.. i like movies) i thought it was the cutest thing in the entire world and went home and had mama kel brush my hair. IT. WAS. FANTASTIC! i highly recommend it!
2. Buying and reading magazines. Once again.. if you know me super well (which if i continue this whole.. tell every thing about me on this thing .. thing.. most of you will!) you know that i can't go into a grocery store to buy ANYTHING and walk out without a magazine. i'm a magazine-aholic. i think they're great! and hey.. rough day with the hair or something.. whip out a mag and check the fashion police section.. you feel alot better about yourself. either that or copy something that Rachel Mcadams has done with hers (if you can master the tiny complicated braid that makes you look like a movie star instead of like you got in a fight with a beater on your head) or Blake lively ( if you can master the 2nd day - looking- hair that's perfectly touseled and wavey with no sign of curling iron or straightener marks anywhere) .... good. luck.
3. Smiling.. try it! it will make you happy.

So.. until tomorrow..
go your way and frown no more! snow. or no snow.. bring some sunshine into your soul :)
so long farewell i need to say aduuu adu. adu.. to yu and yu and yuuu
(dont' pretend like you're not hearing the do do do do dodododo do do do do do dooo in your head)

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