February 24, 2011

Once upon a time.....

ok. so. first off... i have no idea how to blog.
i don't exactly know why people would want to read my random thoughts.... and i'm not really sure that people even will..?
I don't know what people want to hear. or how people come up with half the things they make up about their lives. BUT. here i am.

I'll start by taking the blogger's oath.....
i solemnly swear that i'm up to no good.
i promise. that i will probably not tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
i don't believe in being an open book - especially on the internet but hey... i can write a short story or 2. I'll crack a few bindings.
I promise. that names will probably be changed to protect the innocent... and most of the time to protect the guilty.
from here on forever. i'll try to entertain.. mostly myself.
mischief managed. And they lived happily ever after. the end.

sweet. so. lets start.
random facts about McCall

Song playing today in the soundtrack of my life: "You won't find this" - Carrie Underwood

1- I am a barefoot sunshine child. Being happy is the greatest thing in the world!
2- The best medicine is a smile.. and laughing til your stomach hurts
3- I hate snow.. and therefore have no idea why i live in Utah.
4- I love the color yellow.
5- I have more celebrity girl crushes than boy.
6- My therapy/ form of expressing myself happy/sad/angry/any emotion i feel is through song writing
7- i'm obsessed with CSI.. and Criminal Minds.
8- I love gerber daisies and yellow roses.
9- I'm currently loving my relationship with Justin Bieber.. we are so happy together
10- I love movies more than anyone in the world.
11- i know all of the Victoria's Secret models by name.
12- i love love. and i think all stories should end with "and they lived happily ever after"
13- I have a mild (ok.. extreme) obsession with Disney princesses
14- I saw the movie Tangled 7 times in theaters (and counting... just WAIT when it hits the dollar theaters its OVER)
15- i have tried the "like a good neighbor state farm is there" thing... it doesn't work. Cuz i don't HAVE state farm. i'm very tempted to switch...
16- i'm hoping this gives me mad street cred... "you dont mess with a blogger.." right? cuz BAM i'll blog the crap out of you.. belie dat.
17- I think Brad the bachelor is a tool... "i'm fawwlllingg for youuu.." .. mm hmm brad.. by the time you tell your 10th chick that you "really feeeel a connection.." it starts to lose it's credibility. you tool.
18- I'm totally team Emily. she's flawless. i would date her.. just sayin.

Happy note: i just wrote my first happy song in like.. a long friggin time.. a couple days ago. It's called "Forever you and I".. after 25 sad songs.. it was refreshing. even though it made me sadder than my sad songs do..? explain THAT.

Random Note: ... i'm sick today. it sucks.

Sad Note: ... who needs these right..? Buuuut if you're set on being sad.. go listen to Tay Swift's "Last Kiss".. and cry yourself to sleep.

Typical Note: being sick.. facebook, studying, and friends has completely consumed my day. that and vomiting. oh joy.

Obsession of the moment: the JATD app on the iphone. it keeps me entertained for HOURS!

well. until.. tomorrow?
next time i'll probably fill all of you upper north sider's on the glamorous lives of slc's elite... complete with lonely boy.. pretty boy.. boy who's done time... and a suuper confused blonde.


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